Can I delete a Leave Group?

Yes. If you have the HRADMIN access level, you can delete a Leave Group.

However, we recommend that you do not delete a Leave Group. Deleting a Leave Group to which  employees are assigned removes the compliance and auditing information associated with the leaves for those employees. Also, when editing the employees, there is indeterminant behaviour.

The platform displays a warning if you try to delete a Leave Group.

We recommend that you plan sufficiently before removing this key link in the leave entitlements of your employees. Alternatively, instead of deleting the Leave Group, you can rename it or use it for a different purpose.

If you are sure that you need to delete the Leave Group, ensure that you have removed all employees from the Leave Group and reassigned them to other Leave Groups. Failure to do this may lead to unknown results.

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  • I can't access leave group,please I need help


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