Adding air ticket accruals for employees

As part of the recurring employee benefits package, many organizations provide employees with the airfare to travel to their respective home countries.

When providing airfare as a benefit to your employees, you must first configure the required Payroll and Benefits settings. After configuring the settings, you can provide employees with their airfare benefits by adding air ticket accruals on their respective profiles.

To add an air ticket accrual to an employee, do the following:

  1. Open the employee's profile. Do the following:

    1. In the sidebar, in the Employees section, click View.


    2. On the View employees page, click the name of the employee to whom you want to assign an air ticket accrual.

  2. Go to the Benefits > Airfare tab.

    This tab enables employees to view the details of their airfare benefit.

  3. Click + Create new ticket accrual.


  4. Configure the following details:

    1. In Destination, select the port of destination in the employee's travel route.

    2. In Departure, select the port of departure.

      The list of options displayed in this drop-down menu depends on the destination you select.

    3. In Effective from, select the start date for providing employees with airfare for this route.

    4. In Accrual term, select one of the following options that represent the number of years that you want employees to accrue airfare:

      • 1 Year

      • 2 Years

    5. In Airfare class, select the travel tier (for example, Economy) that you want to provide.

    See the following example:


  5. Click Save.

The air ticket accrual is added to the Airfare tab in the Benefits tab on employee profiles. You can click the accrual to expand it and view its details.


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