Enabling employees to change their passwords

Employees might want to change their platform login password for a number of reasons, ranging from forgetting their passwords to proactively changing their passwords for security.

Depending on the organization's policies, employees might either be able to change their passwords themselves or need to route their password change request through HR.

If employees can change their own passwords, then they can do the following to send themselves a password reset email:

  1. When logging in, click Forgot password?


  2. Enter the login email and click Next.


If your business has disabled self-resetting passwords, as a platform admin, you can enable an employee to change their password in one of the following ways:

Resetting an employee's password

As a platform admin, you can trigger the password reset process for any employee from their profile. When the process completes, a password reset email is sent to the employee to enable them to set a different password. Do the following:

  1. Go to the profile of the employee whose password you want to reset. Do the following:

    1. In the sidebar, in the Employees section, click View.


    2. On the View employees page, click the name of the employee.

    In the employee's profile, the Employment tab is displayed by default.

  2. Go to the Account tab.

  3. Next to Send password recovery email, click Send.


    A password reset email is sent to the employee.

Generating a password for an employee

If your organization does not permit employees to set their own passwords, as a platform admin, you can generate a new password for any employee and share it with them. Do the following:

  1. Go to the profile of the employee for whom you want to generate a new password. Do the following:

    1. In the sidebar, in the Employees section, click View.


    2. On the View employees page, click the name of the employee.

    In the employee's profile, the Employment tab is displayed by default.

  2. Go to the Account tab.

  3. Next to Generate password, click Generate new password.


    A new password is generated and displayed in a dialogue.


    You can share this password with the employee.

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