Editing payroll data in pay runs

When you create a pay run, its initial version is automatically generated based on previously-configured Payroll settings and employee payroll data available on the platform.

You can edit pay run data in the following ways:

Importing payroll data into pay runs from spreadsheets

You can upload a spreadsheet (CSV or XLSX file) and import payroll data from it into any pay run.

The spreadsheet must include the following columns:

Column title Description
Payroll ID

The identifier of the employee in the pay run.

You can find the payroll ID of any employee in the Salary > Payroll tab on the employee's profile.

Pay Category

A pay category that exists on the platform.

You can review the list of existing pay categories in the Pay categories tab in the Payroll tab in your business settings.


The pay component amount.

You can prefix the amount with "-" (to make it a negative value) to configure it as a deduction.

You can include additional columns, such as Description, Currency, and more, depending on your data.

See the following example:


To import payroll data from a spreadsheet to a pay run, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Payroll.


    The Pay Runs tab, which displays all pay runs (open and closed) generated previously, is displayed.

  2. View the pay run to which you want to add or remove employees. To do this, click View in the Action column.


    The pay run is displayed.

  3. In the upper-right corner, click Import.


    The Import pay run data dialogue is displayed.


  4. In the dialogue, upload the spreadsheet that contains payroll data. Use drag-and-drop or click the box to browse and select the document manually.

  5. In the Import options section, map fields from the platform database with to column titles.


    In addition to the required and default fields, you can also map other columns in the spreadsheet to database fields. To do this, click Add + and select fields and column titles in the drop-down menus, respectively.

  6. Click Import.

    An automatic check is run and only data that meets the platform's requirements is imported into the pay run. The import summary is displayed in the dialogue.

    If your import has errors, you can view the details from the import log. Do the following:

    1. In the Import pay run data dialogue, click View import log to view the status and error log for the import in the Imports tab.


    2. In the Imports tab, click the name of the imported file to expand the section and view the details of the import.


    You can edit the spreadsheet to correct the errors and re-upload it or update the pay run manually.

    The imported amounts are added to the pay run and displayed in the appropriate tab (Fixed or Variable) depending on the pay category configuration.

Manually adding and removing employees

To manually add or remove employees from a pay run, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Payroll.


    The Pay Runs tab, which displays all pay runs (open and closed) generated previously, is displayed.

  2. View the pay run to which you want to add or remove employees. To do this, click View in the Action column.


    The pay run is displayed.

  3. To manually add an employee to the pay run, do the following:

    1. Scroll to the bottom of the list of employees.

    2. In the lower-right corner, click + Add.


      The Add employee to pay run dialogue is displayed.

    3. In the dialogue, do the following:

      1. In Select employee, start entering the name of the employee. Select the employee from the drop-down menu.

      2. Click + Add employee.


    The employee is added to the pay run.


  4. To manually remove an employee from the pay run, do the following:

    1. Find the employee who you want to remove from the pay run.

    2. In the Action column, click the Delete icon.


    3. In the confirmation message, click Yes.


    The employee is removed from the pay run.


Manually edit employee pay component amounts

To add, remove, or edit employee salaries or contributions, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Payroll.


    The Pay Runs tab, which displays all pay runs (open and closed) generated previously, is displayed.

  2. View the pay run in which you want to make manual changes to an employee's pay. To do this, click View in the Action column.


    The pay run is displayed.

  3. Do the following to open the payroll profile of the employee.

    1. Find the employee whose pay data you want to update.

    2. In the Action column, click the Edit icon.


    The employee's payroll profile is displayed


    You can view and edit the amounts configured for the different pay components of an employee's salary in a very granular manner from employee payroll profiles.

    The changes you make in the employee's payroll profile are only considered in calculations in the current pay run. The actual amounts configured for the employees are not affected.

    The pay components of an employee's salary are organized by type in the following tabs:

    • Fixed

    • Variable

    • Contributions

    You can add, edit amounts for, convert (from fixed to variable, or vice versa), or remove any pay component.

  4. To add a pay component and configure an amount for it, do the following:

    1. Based on the type of pay component, go to the appropriate tab in the employee's payroll profile.

    2. Scroll to the bottom of the list of pay components.

    3. In the Action column, click the icon-5.png (Add) icon.

      A new row is added.

    4. Enter values for the following fields in the new row:

      1. In the Category column, select a pay category from the drop-down menu.

      2. (Optional) In the Description column, enter a description to document your update.

      3. In the Amount column, enter the amount you want to configure for the pay component.


    5. Click the icon-2.png (Save) icon.

    The new pay component is added to the employee's payroll profile. The amount configured for it is considered in payroll calculations for the employee in the current pay run.


  5. To edit a pay component, do the following:

    1. Based on the type of pay component, go to the appropriate tab in the employee's payroll profile.

    2. Find the pay category that you want to update.

    3. In the Action column, click the icon-1.png (Edit) icon.

    4. Edit the values of the fields in the row.


    5. Click the icon-2.png (Save) icon.

    The amount configured for the pay component is updated in the current pay run.


  6. To convert a pay component from fixed to variable, or vice versa, do the following:

    1. Based on the type of pay component, go to the Fixed or Variable tab in the employee's payroll profile.

    2. Find the pay category that you want to convert.

    3. In the Action column, click the icon-3.png (Convert) icon.


    4. In the confirmation message, click Yes.


    The pay component is converted from fixed to variable, or vice versa.


  7. To remove a pay component, do the following:

    1. Based on the type of pay component, go to the appropriate tab in the employee's payroll profile.

    2. Find the pay category that you want to update.

    3. In the Action column, click the icon-4.png (Delete) icon.


    4. In the confirmation message, click Yes.


    The new pay component is removed from the employee's payroll profile. The amount configured for it is not considered in payroll calculations for the employee in the current pay run.


Re-querying pay run data

You can do the following:

Re-querying an employee's payroll data

If you have made manual changes to an employee's payroll data in the pay run (for example, adding, removing, or edit employee salaries or contributions), you can rerun the querying process to import the most recent pay amounts available on the platform and override your changes.

To re-query an employee's payroll data, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Payroll.


    The Pay Runs tab, which displays all pay runs (open and closed) generated previously, is displayed.

  2. View the pay run in which you want to re-query an employee's payroll data. To do this, click View in the Action column.


    The pay run is displayed.

  3. Do the following to open the payroll profile of the employee.

    1. Find the employee whose pay data you want to update.

    2. In the Action column, click the Edit icon.


    The employee's payroll profile is displayed.


  4. In the upper-right corner of the employee's payroll profile, click Requery.


  5. In the confirmation message, click Yes.


The employee's data is re-queried.

Re-querying entire pay runs

You can re-query the payroll data for all employees in a single step by re-querying the pay run.

When you re-query a pay run, all of your manual changes (for example, adding and removing employees from the pay run and editing employee payroll data) are overridden, and the latest data available on the platform (based on your most recent Payroll and employee configurations) is imported.

To re-query an entire pay run, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Payroll.


    The Pay Runs tab, which displays all pay runs (open and closed) generated previously, is displayed.

  2. View the pay run in which you want to re-query an employee's payroll data. To do this, click View in the Action column.


    The pay run is displayed.

    The workflow of any pay run, which determines how you can perform actions such as re-querying it, depends on whether the payroll group associated with it has a pipeline configured.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To re-query the pay run when no pipeline is configured for its associated pay group, do the following:

      1. In the upper-right corner, click Requery.


      2. In the confirmation message, click Yes.


    • To re-query a pay run a pipeline governs its workflow, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu, if available.

      See the following example:


      Depending on how the pipeline is implemented, you might need additional approval to re-query the pay run, might be able to re-query the pay run only after performing other actions, or might not have the permission to re-query the pay run at all.

The pay run is re-queried.

When re-querying a pay run, you can monitor its progress in real time from:

  • The progress doughnut chart on the View Pay Run page

  • Your notifications


This is similar to monitoring the status of the initial querying process when creating a new pay run. For detailed information, see Generating pay runs.

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