Creating pay runs

You can visualize, manage, calculate, and export your payroll data for each payroll cycle by creating, working on, and completing pay runs.

To create a new pay run, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Payroll.


  2. Go to the Pay Runs tab.

  3. In the upper-right corner, click + Add pay run.


    The Add pay run dialogue is displayed.


  4. In the dialogue, enter the following details:

    1. In Pay group, select the payroll group that you want to base your pay run on.

      The dialogue displays additional fields.

    2. In Pay run name, enter a name for the pay run.

    3. In Payment date, enter your preferred date for paying salaries and other amounts. This date is displayed on bank export reports, such as SIF files.

    See the following example:


  5. Click + Create pay run.

As part of the initial querying process that runs as soon as you create a pay run, Payroll automatically calculates the total amount, as well as the individual pay of each employee included in the pay run.

When the querying process completes, the results are generated and displayed.


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