As an employee, you can use the Yomly self-service platform to request leave.
Based on your company policies, your leave request might go through approval processes involving your line manager, HR manager, or other members of your organization's HR and management teams.
To create a leave request, do the following:
In the sidebar, in the My HR section, click Leave to go to Leave Management.
Your leave dashboard is displayed.
In the upper-right corner of the leave dashboard, click Request leave.
In the Request leave dialogue, enter the following details:
- Select a Type of leave from the drop-down menu.
- In Start/end date, select the start and end date of your leave in the calendar.
- (Optional) To request leave for half days, in Half day start and/or Half day end, click Yes.
- (Optional) Enter a Request message to provide the leave approver with the reason for your leave request.
- Depending on your company policies and type of leave, enter additional details. For example, for certain leave types, your organization can make it mandatory to provide supporting documents or submit a travel declaration if travelling overseas.
Click Send leave request.
The leave request is added to the table in the leave dashboard.
After you create a leave request, its status is indicated as Requested. This means that the leave request has been sent to the leave approver for review and approval. After all leave approvers approve the request, its status is indicated as Approved. The doughnut chart of the leave type is also updated.
Managing leave requests
After requesting leave, at any time, you can view or cancel the leave request.
You can review the details of a leave request to see the name of the leave approver to whom your request is assigned for review.
To manage a leave request, do the following:
In the sidebar, in the My HR section, click Leave to go to Leave Management.
Your leave dashboard is displayed.
In the leave request that you want to view or cancel, in the Action column, click View.
The details of the request are displayed in the Leave request dialogue.
To delete the leave request, in the bottom-left corner of the Leave request dialogue, click Cancel leave request and in the confirmation message, click Yes.
In the leave dashboard, the status of the leave request is indicated as Cancelled.
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