Setting up the queue API


A queue is a common pattern for interaction between multiple systems. Queues offer a publish and subscribe mechanism in which the publisher (us) puts events onto a queue, which is then read by a subscriber (the other system or application). There are many benefits to this model:

  • The other system does not have to be online at the time that an event is put on the queue. In fact, we don’t need to know any details of the remote system at all. In Yomly, we simply put something onto the queue, and then forget about it entirely.
  • The queue is secured to a specific set of credentials so that only the intended receiver can access the details.
  • Guaranteed delivery. Items are added to the queue and later taken off in the same sequence that they arrive. If nobody takes the records from the queue, they will remain there until they expire. (In Yomly, we have currently set this to 35 days in line with our recovery window for databases).
  • You do not need to send files, emails or employ any other transfer mechanism.
  • Minimal configuration is required. It takes about 5 minutes to set up a queue.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up the Yomly queue API.


To set up the queue API, do the following:

  1. Create the SQS queue.
  2. Configure Yomly.

Step 1: Create the SQS queue

  1. Go to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) and click Create queue.


  2. Select FIFO as the queue type.


  3. Enter a Name for the queue. In the name in the following example, you can replace 1234 with your business identifier.


  4. Enter your AWS IAM credentials.


  5. Click Create queue.


Step 2: Configure Yomly

This is a simple procedure that you can perform by updating the API preferences in the platform settings. You can do this in either the admin portal or a client version. Do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Settings.

  2. Go to the Preferences tab.

  3. Click API to expand the section.

  4. Click the name of the push API (for example, Employee-Push-API) to view the preferences that you can set.

  5. Select the enabled checkbox.

  6. In queue, enter the name of the queue created in step 1.

  7. Click Save.


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