This article contains the following information:
About Expenses
Expenses is a comprehensive expense management solution for requesting, managing, and processing expense reimbursements seamlessly. Expenses is also completely integrated with the Payroll feature of Yomly.
Sample view of the Expenses feature for an employee
The Expense Requests page lists your expense requests and displays their key details, such as the dates they were requested, amounts, statuses, and more.
Platform admins can request expense reimbursements on behalf of other employees. If your platform admin has created any expense requests on your behalf, this page lists them too.
If you have the permissions to approve expense requests of other employees, this page also lists requests pending for your review, if any.
You can filter this page by date range, employee, and request status.
Filtering expense requests
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How to navigate to Expenses
In the web application's left sidebar, in the My HR section, expand the Requests section and click Expense Reimbursements.
Navigating to Expenses
How to request expense reimbursements
To reimburse an expense, you must do the following:
- Create an expense request.
- For each expense you want to reimburse, add receipts and document its details.
- Submit your expense request for approval.
How to create expense requests
Do the following:
In the upper-right corner of the Expense Requests page, click + New expense request.
Creating a new expense request
Enter the following details:
Enter an Expense Request Name.
(Optional) You can assign the expense request to one or multiple cost centres.
If applicable, you can assign the request to any other cost centre or a combination of cost centres, depending on your organization's financial policies. You can also submit expense requests without configuring a cost centre.
In the Cost Center Assignment section (on the left side of the Expense request page), do the following:
Click + Add Cost Center.
Select your required cost centres and click Add.
In the Percentage column, enter the percentage of the expense you want to assign to each cost centre.
When assigning the request to multiple cost centres, you must ensure that the sum total of the assignment percentages is 100.
Configuring a cost centre for a sample expense request
Entering details of a sample expense request
Add expense items.
Expense items represent each individual expense that you want to reimburse.
Do the following:
In the Expense items section, click + Add item in the bottom-right corner.
Adding an expense item
Enter the following details:
In Upload Bill / Receipt, upload the receipt(s) for the expense.
To do this, use drag-and-drop or click the box to browse and select the receipt manually.
Select the Date of Expense.
In Type, select the expense type.
The list displays only the expense types that you can claim reimbursements for. This list is pre-configured by your platform admin.
(Optional) In Description / Notes, enter a description for the expense to justify the expense to your expense approver.
If your expense was in a different currency than your default currency (based on your work location), you can select the Expense Currency. Your default currency is automatically selected in this field.
When you select an expense currency, its current exchange rate (with respect to your default currency) is auto-filled in Exchange Rate. These values are based on real-time forex rates configured on the platform or custom exchange rates configured for your business by your platform admin.
If applicable, you can manually enter the Exchange Rate. However, we recommend that you:
Avoid doing this unless absolutely necessary
Ensure that this action is in accordance with your organization's expense reimbursement policy.
In Expense Amount, enter the amount (value) of the expense.
(Optional) If the VAT component in your expense is included in the expense amount, you can document it separately in Included VAT.
Entering details of an expense item
How to attach multiple receipts to the same expense item
After attaching a receipt, you can click
in its upper-right corner to upload another one.
Attaching another receipt to a sample expense item
The additional receipt you upload is also associated with the same expense item.
Adding multiple receipts to the same expense item
You can click
to browse through the different receipts attached to the expense item.
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The Total Calculated Amount field displays the total amount of the expense item after currency conversion
Click Save.
A sample expense request with an expense item added
How to add multiple expense items to the same expense request
To add multiple expense items, on the Expense request page, at the bottom of the Expense items section, you can simply click + Add item again.
Then, repeat the same procedure you followed when adding the first expense item.
Adding multiple expense items to the same expense request
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At the bottom of the page, click Save.
Saving an expense request
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When you save a new expense request, it is saved in its initial state (Draft). After finalizing your expense request, you can submit it for approval.
How to edit expense requests
You can make changes to your expense requests when they are in the Draft state.
Typically, you cannot edit any expense requests that you have submitted for approval. This includes both the requests pending for approval as well as approved requests.
However, if both of the following circumstances exist, you might be able to edit an expense request that you have previously submitted for approval:
- The expense request approval process in your business includes a stage in which approvers can return expense requests to employees for changes
- The request that you want to edit is in this specific state.
To edit an expense request in Draft (or returned) state, you can simply open (view) it and start making changes.
You can do the following, and more:
Add or remove expense items
Upload additional receipts for any expense item
Edit the details of any expense item
Replace the receipt attached to any expense item
Edit the cost centre assignment for the request
Detailed information
How to submit expense requests for approval
To submit an expense request for approval, open (view) it and at the bottom of the Expense items section, click the action button related to submitting it for approval.
Sending a sample expense request for approval
In this example, the Send for approval button represents this action.
Whether or not you can perform this action and all subsequent steps to send the request for approval, if any, are governed entirely by the customizable expense request approval pipeline configured for your business.
Pipelines are a fundamental component of Yomly that implement workflows and enable organizations to assign permission-based approval mechanisms at different stages of processes.
Clicking Send for approval sends the expense request to the state in which anyone in the initial audience assigned to review it can perform actions, such as approving it, rejecting it, returning it for changes, and more.
The action buttons that represent these actions are displayed only to approvers who have the permissions to perform them.
As an employee, unless an expense request is in the Draft state or returned for changes, you can only monitor its status.
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