Creating working patterns

As a platform admin, you can create working patterns to define rules and policies that govern how employees work in your business.

You can do the following:

For more information about each working pattern type, see Types of working patterns in About working patterns.

Creating standard working patterns

To create a standard working pattern, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Settings.


  2. Go to General > Working Pattern.

    All working patterns created for your business are displayed.

  3. Click + Add Working Pattern.


    The Add Working Pattern page, in which you can configure your new working pattern, is displayed.

  4. Enter the following details:

      1. Enter a unique Name for the working pattern.

      2. (Optional) In Abbreviation, enter a short name for quick reference.

      3. (Optional) Enter a Description to document the details of the working pattern.

      4. In Effective from, select the start date of the working pattern.

      5. (Optional) In Effective to, select the end date of the working pattern.

      6. In Working pattern type, select Standard.

        Additional fields that enable you to configure specific settings for standard working patterns are displayed.

      7. Select an Audience.

      8. (Optional) Select the Make this the default working pattern check box to set the working pattern as the default one for the business.


  5. Enter the following details to configure the standard working pattern:

    1. In Week starts from, select the first day of the week.

    2. In With off days, enter the number of days off in the working week

    3. In Max. working hours/week, enter the maximum number of working hours allowed per week.

    4. In Min. working hours/week, enter the minimum number of working hours required per week.

    5. In Work starts from and Work ends at, enter the workday timings.

    6. Select a Break type.

      Additional fields related to the selected break type are displayed.

    7. Based on your selection, do one of the following:

      • If you selected Time of the day, then in Break starts from and Break ends at, enter the break timings.


      • If you selected Duration, enter the Break duration (in minutes).


    8. In Max. overtime/week (hours), enter the maximum number of overtime hours allowed per week.

    9. In Min. gap between shifts (hours), enter the minimum number of hours of break or downtime required before scheduling the employee in another shift.

    10. (Optional) Select Allow rotation to enable scheduling employees assigned the working pattern outside the configured contracted hours.


  6. Click Generate pattern.

    The contracted duration (number of contracted hours) per day is automatically calculated based on the entered details and displayed at the bottom of the form.

    If all the information you entered is valid, the generated pattern (calendar) is also displayed.


    If you have entered invalid details, error messages are displayed to help you understand what you need to correct.

    In the following example, an error message is displayed because the number of contracted hours exceeds the maximum number of working hours allowed per week.


    If an error message is displayed, correct the working pattern details and click Generate pattern again.

  7. (Optional) Make adjustments to your new working pattern.

    For more information, see Customizing working patterns from their calendars.

    If you are setting up custom work timings for any workday, you can configure new work timings only within the initially-configured workday timings.

    For example, if you have set up the start and end timings of working days as 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM, respectively, then for any individual day, you can set up custom work timings only between these hours.

  8. Click Create working pattern.

Your new standard working pattern is created. You can assign it to new and existing employees or set it up as the default working pattern for your business.

Creating flexible working patterns

To create a standard working pattern, do the following:

  1. In the sidebar, in the Business section, click Settings.


  2. Go to General > Working Pattern.

    All working patterns created for your business are displayed.

  3. Click + Add Working Pattern.


    The Add Working Pattern page, in which you can configure your new working pattern, is displayed.

  4. Enter the following details:

      1. Enter a unique Name for the working pattern.

      2. (Optional) In Abbreviation, enter a short name for quick reference.

      3. (Optional) Enter a Description to document the details of the working pattern.

      4. In Effective from, select the start date of the working pattern.

      5. (Optional) In Effective to, select the end date of the working pattern.

      6. In Working pattern type, select Flexible.

        Additional fields that enable you to configure specific settings for flexible working patterns are displayed.

      7. Select an Audience.

      8. (Optional) Select the Make this the default working pattern check box to set the working pattern as the default one for the business.


  5. Enter the following details to configure the standard working pattern:

    1. In Week starts from, select the first day of the week.

    2. In With off days, enter the number of days off in the working week

    3. In Max. working hours/week, enter the maximum number of working hours allowed per week.

    4. In Min. working hours/week, enter the minimum number of working hours required per week.

    5. Enter the number of Contracted hours/day.

    6. In Min. duration/day (hours), enter the minimum number of working hours required per day.

    7. In Break type, select Duration.

    8. Enter the Break duration (in minutes).

    9. In Max. overtime/week (hours), enter the maximum number of overtime hours allowed per week.


  6. Click Generate pattern.

    If all the information you entered is valid, the generated pattern (calendar) is displayed.


  7. (Optional) Make adjustments to your new working pattern.

    For more information, see Customizing working patterns from their calendars.

    If you are setting up a custom work duration for any workday, you can set up only a shorter custom work duration than the contracted hours per day.

    For example, if you have configured 8 hours as the number of contracted hours per day, you can only set up a custom work duration of less than 8 hours.

  8. Click Create working pattern.

Your new flexible working pattern is created. You can assign it to new and existing employees or set it up as the default working pattern for your business.

Customizing working patterns from their calendars

When creating or editing a working pattern, you can do the following from its generated patterns (calendar):

  • Set up working days and days off.

    To toggle between configuring a day as a working day or day off, simply click the respective calendar event.

  • Set up custom working hours for any working day.

    To do this, drag the lower edge of the calendar event to the required position to set up the workday with the required timings (for standard working patterns) or duration (for flexible working patterns).

    For example, to configure a workday as a half day, drag the lower edge of the day on the calendar to make the event represent half the initial hours.

When you confirm your changes, any previously-configured settings of the working pattern, if impacted, are automatically updated.

For example, if you convert Monday to a day off in a working pattern initially configured as a 5-day working week that starts on Monday, the working pattern settings are automatically updated to indicate that the working week starts from Tuesday and 3 days are off.

This example also illustrates dragging calendar event edges to set up custom working hours for any day.


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