Release Notes - May 19, 2023

Platform Web application

We're excited to announce a new release with enhancements, performance improvements, and bug fixes.

What's new

We are releasing the following new features and enhancements:

Application feature Enhancement Description
Benefits Ability to add backdated advances for employees

When adding advances for employees from Payroll or their profile, you can configure past dates for the Date requested and Payment Date fields.


Previously, you could only add advances with request and payment dates in the future.

Employee administration Enhancement to working patterns

In this phase of enhancements, we have added new capabilities and enhancements to the following features:

Default working patterns

You must configure a default working pattern for your business.


When creating and configuring a new business, the first working pattern you create is automatically set as the default working pattern.

However, when creating a new working pattern or editing an existing one, you can set it as the default working pattern.


If any employee does not have a contractual working pattern configured, the default working pattern for the business is considered for leave calculation and other computations.

You cannot delete the default working pattern.


If you need to delete it, you must first configure another working pattern as the default one.

Calendar (generated pattern)

When you create and configure a new working pattern, the generated pattern is represented as a calendar to help you visualize and understand the working pattern better.

The calendar is enhanced to center itself around the working hours configured in the pattern.


You can simply click a day in the calendar to toggle between configuring it as a working day or off day.

You can now also view the calendar when doing the following:

  • Viewing the details of a working pattern
  • Editing a working pattern

Creating working patterns

When creating working patterns, you can configure the following new fields:

  • Min. gap between consecutive shifts
  • Allow rotation (check box)


The Work Day Length field is removed.

Payroll Enhancement to information displayed in payslips

Payslips display the teams that the respective employees are a part of at the time of creating the pay run.


Requests Enhancement to letter request notification emails

Notification emails sent to approvers about letter requests from employees display the requestor's job role.


Bug fixes

We are happy to inform you that we've fixed the following issues:

Application feature Issue Description

An issue with sending confirmation emails to new candidates

Previously, new users who signed up on the external careers platform did not receive their confirmation email, which contained the authentication link to complete the sign-up process.

This issue is fixed now.


Destinations display incorrect ports of departure

Previously, destinations (in airfare settings) displayed the wrong ports of departure even when the correct ones were configured.

This issue is fixed now.


Inability of HR admins to create expense requests for other employees

Previously, all users could create expense requests only for themselves, and HR admins were unable to create expense requests for other employees.

This issue is fixed now.

Payroll Incorrect salary and missed payment indicator in first pay runs of employees

Previously, Payroll had the following issues when processing payroll for employees for the first time:

  • A Missed payment from the previous pay run indicator was displayed in the employee's payroll profile.
  • The employee's salary was doubled to account for the (incorrect) missing salary from the previous month.

These issues are fixed now.

Performance Management

Issues with assigning goals to multiple employees using assignee groups

Previously, Performance Management had the following issues:

  • HR Managers could not view the list of employees to whom reviews were assigned if assignee groups were used.
  • In Responses > View Answers, questions assigned using assignee groups were not displayed.

Only reviews and questions assigned to employees directly were displayed.

These issues are fixed now.

Additional information

For additional information, you can contact your account manager, submit a request, or send us an email.

We thank you for your continued support!

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