This article is subject to updates as we get closer to the release date. EmiratesHR reserves the right to add or remove features and enhancements to the release based on their readiness and whether they have successfully passed Quality Assurance. Features and enhancements that do not make the final release date will be delivered in a minor update in the two weeks following the primary release.
Many of our customers have requested tighter integration between the Expenses feature in EmiratesHR and their accounting systems. To assist in this, we have enhanced Expenses to provide the following additional data when an expense is requested:
- Expense Type selection is a Custom List bound to GL Codes.
- Ability to assign Cost Centres to the expense as a Line Item.
- Ability to split an expense across multiple cost centres
The ability to create intelligent pay categories has greatly extended the capability of EmiratesHR Payroll. Customers have created 500+ pay categories to do everything from commission payment to end-of-service and taxation payments. With this release, we have provided you with the most useful of these; Global Pay Categories, which will be available to every customer by simply activating them.
This enhancement will significantly speed up complex payroll implementations by removing the requirements to create custom pay categories for items that have already been completed by other customers.
Of course, you can always modify a global pay category to meet your own requirements and policies and create a local copy.
A new option in Pipelines allows you to replace the default pipeline action button with a grid of buttons for all the upcoming entries. Although the Pipeline action button is still available for super users, the button grid will seem more familiar to users of components such as Payroll.
Bugs fixed (reported)
Key | Summary |
PA-3517 | Data container is not being saved after updating. |
PA-3516 | Payslip does not include the global pay categories |
PA-3504 | Custom rules are not saving/reflecting properly. |
PA-3499 | Business Travel Request - Per Diem Calculation, Save errors |
PA-3486 | GL Code in Pay Category - the values not coming to drop-down |
PA-3478 | Add new Pay Category - Override Global Pay Category. The list of available Global Pay categories is less than actual |
PA-3477 | Override Global Pay category - graphQL error |
PA-3475 | Edit pay category with script |
PA-3457 | Global Pay Categories are missing in Payrun Report |
PA-3456 | Global Pay Categories are missing in Payrun - Employee - Edit |
PA-3455 | Global Pay Category, Use Legacy Pay Category = True. Saved as not Legacy |
PA-3454 | Enable Global Pay Categories - Same Pay Category is added twice |
PA-3453 | New Business - Pay Categories page |
PA-3452 | Edit Pay Category v2 - Advance Settings missing |
PA-3447 | Global Pay Categories pagination in Admin |
PA-3438 | Override Global Pipeline - Override button is disabled |
PA-3437 | Global Pay Categories pagination |
PA-3430 | Global Pay Category appears even when not enabled, disappear after Refresh |
PA-3429 | Edit Pay Category (previously created) |
PA-3428 | Global v2 pay categories are not included in the payroll calculation |
PA-3427 | Requery not working for a single employee for payroll |
PA-3423 | Changing business logo doesn't change logo within system |
PA-3422 | Employee Job Title problem - Future Job Title in Employee Profile, View Employees |
PA-3421 | Not able to delete the pay category |
PA-3420 | Error in pay categories in payroll tab |
PA-3419 | Console error on ATS module |
PA-3413 | Pay category v2 execution is stuck |
PA-3410 | Local Pipeline attached to Payroll group does not display |
PA-3399 | Javascript cannot be added to Data Containers |
PA-3397 | Error while loading "request" tab in Task |
PA-3396 | Edit Pay Category - Save. GraphQL error "Variable \"$input\" got invalid value" |
PA-3395 | Edit Pay Category - Cancel button. Error TypeError: ctx_r60.done is not a function |
PA-3394 | Payrun is empty until Requery Payrun |
PA-3391 | V1 pay category style issues |
PA-3390 | Pay category alerts type styles are not applied |
PA-3389 | Admin customization doesn't populate the saved export template name |
PA-3387 | Form validation indicators are not found for mandatory fields. |
PA-3386 | Pagination issue for the main pay category list |
PA-3385 | Filter by scope is not working for pay category list |
PA-3384 | Pagination not implemented for the Global Pay Category selector dialog box |
PA-3381 | Letter Requests View - error "Cannot set property 'custom_Line_of_Business_(LOB)' of undefined" |
PA-3374 | ATS- Feedback data container not visible based on the pipeline state |
PA-3357 | Save and Cancel not visible while editing state of a pipeline |
PA-3355 | The Transitions of pipelines not restricted to Audience of a State/Transition |
PA-3334 | Customization -> Pipelines not loading on insiders |
PA-3332 | Incorrect advance balance. |
PA-3307 | Error when accessing the Export template in UAT admin page |
PA-3266 | Expense Type - dropdown is empty doesn't appear |
PA-3251 | Delete Payrun - confirmation popup is missing Cancel option |
PA-3250 | Created Advance in Payrun - the Requery option |
PA-3249 | Number of Employees in Payrun decreasing when the new Payrun is created |
PA-3243 | The job requisitions are not getting published to the “Careers” section for employees even after publishing the requisition. |
PA-3240 | Unable to edit and save Company Code information |
PA-3176 | Unable to save a cost center change |
PA-3168 | The movement section is not appearing on the front end |
PA-3149 | The values in data container is not visible when we save it . We have to force refresh to get the values which we input in the Data container |
PA-3147 | Documentfolderhome |
PA-3115 | Yellowfin Reports - Super Admin login, switch to Business & User. getYellowfinToken error |
PA-3114 | Employee Report (Yellowfin). Export .csv is missing |
PA-3113 | Employee Report (Yellowfin). Export .xlsx |
PA-3112 | Employee Report (Yellowfin) - Script shows dev url |
PA-3111 | Employee Report (Yellowfin) - Impossible to hide the column |
PA-3110 | Notification Icon Appearing In All Systems For Already Ran Payruns |
PA-3108 | Employee Report (Yellowfin) - Filters doesn't work |
PA-3107 | Employee Report (Yellowfin). Download .docx format |
PA-3106 | Employee Report (Yellowfin). Download .pdf file |
PA-3105 | Employee Report - The wrong Business data is shown |
PA-3104 | Yellowfin report in the application - An error occurred |
PA-3103 | Yellowfin reports - Reports Custom Rules are empty (report settings in Admin) |
PA-3091 | Nas Academy - Incorrect Tasks list for approvers |
PA-3086 | enabled Employee Report Yellowfin doesn't appear in business |
PA-3067 | [Prod] Movements Transfer page is broken when no pipeline is selected |
PA-3066 | [Prod] BE - Unable to save customisation rule |
PA-3064 | Payroll - Variable values don't populate until screen is refreshed. |
PA-3058 | Salutation in Employee profile problem |
PA-3046 | Letter Requests - Download button (Employee view) is not present. |
PA-2793 | GQL Error - Create / Update Data container with datasource (GQL query) with any form elemenets. |
PA-2792 | Employee's profile keeps loading |
PA-2658 | Employee - Pipeline - Dummy pipeline is shown for an employee on the Add Employee Request page if remove assigned pipeline from the "Add employee" fieldon theDefault Pipelines page |
PA-2634 | Advance repayment calculation |
PA-2583 | slow typing response issue in production Business |
PA-2517 | Expense Reimbursement total is missing in Expense Reimbursement details view |
PA-2516 | add cost center button is missing in Expense Item |
PA-2461 | Uploaded medical cards are not appearing on the admin page and front end. |
PA-2430 | Unable to edit the employee’s profile personal tab |
PA-2394 | Unable to change the Nationality List. |
PA-2371 | The job title under the employee’s name in the Tasks-Documents shows as “No job title defined” even though there is a Job Title on their profile. |
PA-2356 | Dependent medical cards cannot be uploaded |
PA-2067 | Recruitment - Screening. Can't add more questions to screening |
PA-2040 | Letter request error |
PA-2039 | Error after HRadmin view added global letter template |
PA-2024 | Edit Dependent. Emergency Contact = true (phone number is empty) |
PA-1969 | Custom Lists - Search doesn't return any value |
PA-1944 | Reports - Grades Report. DOB empty is shown as Invalid Date |
PA-1934 | Overridden local list is not showing on User interface components configuration list |
PA-1878 | Employee Grade report keeps loading and not showing any details. |
PA-1725 | Data Container - Region |
PA-1663 | save button is Disbled |
PA-1558 | Data Container Global lists disappear after adding local list in Management Title. |
PA-1511 | Custom SubComponent Delete error (Product Definition) |
PA-1425 | Values in the data container fields are not visible unless we refresh the screen . - UAT and Production |
PA-1400 | Data containers on “Employment tab “ Unable to save the details |
PA-1339 | Dhofar Insurance - Custom Field Issue (Region) |
PA-1320 | Access Level showing instead of Job Title |
PA-1201 | The feedback tab is not showing up the feedback data container for the interviewer to input the scoring |
PA-1086 | Incorrect documents Expiry date. |
PA-992 | No option to download and upload the Letter Request Template |
PA-981 | download/upload missing from letter request |
PA-978 | No option to download and upload the Letter Request Template. |
PA-975 | Previous Letter Request - Template cannot be downloaded by the HR Admin. |
PA-920 | Business Travel - Per Diem Calculation. The Currency name should be updated |
PA-899 | Save Pipeline error - ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry '433-Payrun - Simplified' for key 'Global_Pipelines.index_unique-global_pipelines-component_id-name |
PA-793 | Inactive user still can login (dev) |
PA-708 | Not able to switch back to the frequency Never if we chose other frequencies in the qualifications |
PA-408 | Employees not able to view full directory |
PA-381 | Inconsistent Review Status |
PA-179 | Can't amend/edit a review once it has been saved regardless of the start date of the review. |
PA-91 | Ordering on reports is not working |
Bugs fixed (not reported)
Key | Summary |
PA-3523 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -New business - New expense request cannot be properly created in the newly created business |
PA-3513 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -New business - When Default Expense Pipeline is not set for a new business, error "ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'expenseRequestId' in 'field list'" occurs when Employee saves the expense request |
PA-3511 | [UAT] Employee Profile - Personal tab doesn't show any data, 504 Gateway Timeout error occurs |
PA-3503 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Expense Item form - Rate can be set as 0 |
PA-3495 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Cost Centers popup layout issue on the Draft/Pending expense request page |
PA-3490 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Removed Cost centers return back on the expense form if adding a new Expense item |
PA-3489 | [UAT]Tasks-Expenses - Expense request pipeline diagram is not displayed on the Tasks page |
PA-3488 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Error occurs if delete cost center and update a new expense request |
PA-3473 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Send for approval (Pending) an old expense request still has the Draft status |
PA-3470 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Approved old expense requestby an assignee still has Draft status |
PA-3459 | [UAT]Tasks - Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Expense item details are not shown in the tasks |
PA-3458 | [UAT]An error occurs if a user deletes a list item from the extended Expense type list |
PA-3448 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -The “delete“ button in the expense requestis not shown foremployees |
PA-3446 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Removed Expense Cost Centers are shown after Saving edited expense |
PA-3443 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -ERROR "TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URLat se.needToLoadViewer" if select multiple file in Receipt |
PA-3434 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -404 error "Variable \"$pipelineId\" of non-null type \"Int!\" must not be null" occurs if opening old draft expense for viewing |
PA-3433 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Expense Global Pipeline cannot be overridden in the business site and cannot be edited on the Admin site. |
PA-3418 | [Dev] Expense Reimbursements v2 - Page controls are not shown properlyafter adding an expense item and new expense request cannot be saved |
PA-3415 | [DEV] Filter by "ALl company tasks" doesn't show any results |
PA-3414 | [DEV] Tasks - Expenses - Sorting of the expense request doesn't work |
PA-3407 | [DEV] Tasks - Expenses - Amount values are not rounded on the Expense Tasks page |
PA-3405 | [DEV, UAT] Tasks & Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - User from Assignee Group cannot Approve/Reject an employee's expense request on the Tasks Page and Expenses v2 page |
PA-3383 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 Pipeline -Global Pipeline cannot be Activated after override it |
PA-3380 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Expense item description is not saved properly |
PA-3379 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -All Pipeline history assignees are changed into the Approval person in the Expense request |
PA-3371 | [Dev] Migration Expense v1.0 - Error "Access denied. Required policy: Expense_Request_Approvals_View' occurs if opening some details of expense request |
PA-3336 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Expense request - Deleted Expense item is shown after adding a new expense item |
PA-3317 | [Dev] Migration Expense v1.0 - Pipeline buttons are shown on the Approved/Reject old expense request form in Expense Reimbursements 2.0 page |
PA-3315 | [Dev] Migration Expense v1.0 - Old expense with assigned pipeline has still status Pending |
PA-3308 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Active Employee's Cost Center is not shown in new expense request |
PA-3306 | [UAT] Letter Request -Error "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined" occurs when user approves "Salary certificate" letter request |
PA-3305 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Global Expense pipeline is not shown on the Expense Request page |
PA-3303 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Expense request can be saved without expense items and cost center is disappeared after saving |
PA-3302 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Inactive Cost Center can be selected on the new expense request page |
PA-3300 | [UAT] Customization - Lists - Edit local list graphql error |
PA-3299 | [UAT]. Expenses 2.0. Delete Expense item - confirmation message |
PA-3293 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Employee's name is not shown in Expense request or in newly created expense request |
PA-3292 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Not all employees are shown in the Filter on the Expense request page |
PA-3290 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursement 2.0 -All requests are not shown if the user clears the selected date in the Calendar |
PA-3286 | [Dev] Expense v1 Migration - Old expense request item -Image is shown broken for existing request item |
PA-3280 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursement 2.0 - Expense Item - Added expense item data is shown in the new item form |
PA-3278 | [Dev] Expenses v1.0 Migration - Uploaded expense item image is not shown after saving in an old migrated expense request |
PA-3277 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Expense item is not shown after adding in the expense request |
PA-3275 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Newly created expense request has status pending instead of Draft |
PA-3274 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -If manager (or super admin) opens employee expense request, his own name is shown in the request's Employee field |
PA-3272 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Profile Cost Center - Deleted cost center is still shown on the page |
PA-3268 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - Expense type option is not shown after saving the expense item |
PA-3265 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursements 2.0 - All controls vanish on the Expense Reimbursements v2 page if there are no date range search results |
PA-3257 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursement 2.0 - Expense request - Expense item can be added without mandatory receipt |
PA-3256 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursement 2.0 - Expense request -Expense itemcan be added without selecting Expense Type |
PA-3248 | [UAT] Admin site - "Unknown column "report thumbnail" in field list..." Error occurs if create a Payslip template in a business |
PA-3247 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Settings - Payroll - 500 error occurs if delete used Cost Senter |
PA-3239 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Cost Center can be edited/added/removed in the "Approved" Expense request |
PA-3238 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursement 2.0 - Expense request - Expense Item- Inactive cost center is shown as blank in the UI |
PA-3237 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Employee who created an expense request can approve/reject it by himself |
PA-3230 | [UAT] Customization- User Interface - Expense typelist cannot be changed in the customization |
PA-3222 | [UAT] Employee Profile- Salary - Error occurs if save a cost center without selecting cost center from the dropdown |
PA-3221 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursement 2.0- Expense Item - The exchange rate always has 1 valueif opened saved expense request item in edit mode |
PA-3220 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursement 2.0 - Expense request - Expense item amount and Exchange Rate can be negative |
PA-3198 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Duplicated Cost Center can be added to Cost Center assignment in Expense request |
PA-3196 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Employee's Cost Center assignment is removed from expense if create request without added items |
PA-3195 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Filter Expense button is disabled if navigate toExpense Reimbursements 2.0 screen |
PA-3193 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Blank image is shown if add an Item without image in Expense request |
PA-3192 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursement 2.0 - Calendar filter issue on the Expense Requests screen |
PA-3191 | [UAT] Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -400 error occurs if open existing Expense request for viewing or create a new one Expense request |
PA-3190 | [UAT]Expense Reimbursements 2.0 -Two Add Cost Center buttons are shown if delete the existing cost centerand save expense request |
PA-3187 | [UAT] Expense request - New expenseitem cannot be added by Employee |
PA-3186 | [UAT] Expense Request - Expense Item - The date of expense is not shown as mandatory and the Save button is disabled. |
PA-3185 | [UAT] Expense request - There is no add cost center button in new Expense request if employee doesn't have cost center |
PA-3184 | [UAT] Employee Profile - Cost Center - Error occurs if editend date in created cost center in Employee profile |
PA-3182 | [UAT] Employee Profile - Cost Center - UI: font is bigger in new Cost Center in one business than in another and empty table is shown when there is Cost center |
PA-3178 | [UAT] Employee Profile - Cost Center - Profile cannot be saved without added cost center |
PA-3172 | [UAT] Movements - Transfer type - Selected transfer type list is not shown in the New transfer request creation form |
PA-3158 | [UAT] Reports - Reports are not loaded in some businesses |
PA-3155 | [UAT] Customization - Lists - Update extended list graphql error |
PA-3138 | [DEV] Unable to save an Expense Item |
PA-3137 | [Dev] Remove a cog wheel drop-down icon in Expense Request |
PA-3135 | [ DEV] Cost Centers Section is missing in new expense requests in Dev |
PA-3133 | ACME (10) - Unable to upload a video in Community |
PA-3119 | [UAT] Employee profile - Some data are missed in profile fields if creating an employee with bank account details |
PA-3118 | [UAT] Add Employee - Error "ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry '1-168-1418' for key 'Employee-Payroll_Group.PRIMARY' occurs if create an new employee with payroll details |
PA-3100 | [UAT] Add Employee - Cost Center - graphql 400 error occurs if delete Cost center option in Add new employee and Create a new employee |
PA-3078 | [UAT] Notification bell - Removed notifications are shown after refresh |
PA-3067 | [Prod] Movements Transfer page is broken when no pipeline is selected |
PA-3066 | [Prod] BE - Unable to save customisation rule |
PA-3007 | [UAT] Local Customization. Added a new tab is not shown in the employee profile |
PA-2545 | [DEV] Add Employee with Pipeline. Approved Employee doesn't have status |
PA-1530 | UAT. Letter Template Download - all Letter Templates are available |
PA-1528 | UAT. Recruitment - Applicant page (Cosmetic) |
PA-1478 | UAT: Error after Manager approved Live request |
PA-708 | UAT- Not able to switch back to the frequency Never if we chose other frequencies in the qualifications |
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